Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Telemedicine Implementation in Indonesia - Challenges and Opportunities

My presentation in "The Opportunity of Implementing Telemedicine in Pandemic Era" public lecture organized Vocational College - Universitas Gadjah Mada, Saturday 7 November 2020 at 13.00 - 15.00.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

A long journey of Telemedicine Indonesia (2015-2020)

Just a documentation of the long journey of my involvement in the Indonesian Telemedicine development program by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. I started to be involved in 2015 in developing the 2016-2020 Indonesian Telemedicine Roadmap. Since then, I have been part of the Technical Team which helps provide input on how the National Telemedicine program is prepared, developed and implemented.

In 2016, I also provided technical input on Regulation of the Minister of Health number 20 of 2019 concerning the Implementation of Telemedicine Services between Health Service Facilities.

Then in 2017 to 2019 I was actively helping to survey the readiness of implementing Telemedicine throughout Indonesia from Aceh to Papua.

In 2017, I also helped the process of moving from using the Telemedicine application provided by the private sector to the development of the Indonesian Telemedicine application (TEMENIN) by the Ministry of Health itself.

Currently, I am also helping the development of Telemedicine Indonesia (TEMENIN) 2.0, apart from helping the development of Telemedicine for Maternal Child Health (KIA) in collaboration between FKKMK UGM, Dr. Sardjito (Ministry of Health) and PemDa Kulonprogo. Previously in 2019 at FKKMK UGM we also conducted research on the use of Temenin in Prov. West Papua. I am also being employed by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as a Telemedicine Expert to conduct an Assessment Telemedicine Service in Pandemic Situation in Indonesia.

Following are some documentation of my activities traveling around Indonesia, especially in remote areas in the context of a readiness survey and also giving presentations at technical meetings for Indonesian Telemedicine in various regions.

Apart from that, I am also active in disseminating our research results not only in national seminars but also internationally.

Several seminars and workshops were also attended in order to disseminate understanding of what telemedicine is, what the opportunities are, what challenges are faced and others.

The links for the presentations are on the following YouTube: (Pengenalan Telehealth, eHealth dan mHealth) (Interview mengenai Telemedicine Indonesia) (Implementasi Telemedicine dalam Mendukung Sistem Pencatatan Rekam Medis Era Pandemi Covid-19) (Ethical Challenges of Telemedicine) (Tantangan Infrastruktur Teknologi Informasi di Telemedicine) (Telemedicine di Indonesia Potensi dan Tantangannya) (IT & Telemedicine Part 1) (IT & Telemedicine Part 2)

Public lecture: "The Opportunity of Implementing Telemedicine in Pandemic Era" (in English, 7-8 Nov 2020)

In the Covid-19 pandemic, the need for telemedicine has become vital in health services. To reduce the risk, patients must limit visitations to health facilities. For patients who have to go, the waiting time should be shorter. Health services can still run optimally, so the role of telemedicine is very important. Telemedicine is a technology that allows patients to discuss with doctors privately, without having to meet face to face. The discussion will help patients get information about the suspected diagnosis, treatment or first treatment of diseases and injuries, as well as tips on improving body health.

Based on it, it is necessary to hold a public lecture regarding the opportunities for implementing telemedicine in the pandemic era. This public lecture invited speakers who were experts in the field of telemedicine and health information from Indonesia and from developed countries such as Taiwan and the United States. It'll add insight into the implementation of telemedicine in these countries so that it can be a driving force and an example for the implementation of telemedicine in Indonesia.

Please join us at:

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

AWS Smart City Week – Indonesia (3-5 November 2020)

Transformasi Indonesia yang pesat dari ekonomi pedesaan ke perkotaan telah menjadi salah satu tolok ukur potensi pertumbuhan besar negara, sekaligus menggarisbawahi beberapa tantangan yang perlu dihadapi. Dengan hampir 70 persen populasi negara diperkirakan akan tinggal di perkotaan pada tahun 2025, inovasi, terutama di sektor publik, sangat penting untuk memastikan peningkatan kualitas hidup yang berkelanjutan.

Teknologi cloud akan menjadi infrastruktur utama bagi Smart City yang berkelanjutan. Bergabunglah dengan kami dalam AWS Smart City Week – Indonesia untuk mendengar dari para ahli di bidangnya untuk berbagi contoh nyata tentang bagaimana inovasi teknologi seperti cloud computing dapat mendukung visi Anda dan memberikan masa depan yang lebih baik untuk semua. 

Sebelum memutuskan untuk mengambil langkah selanjutnya, melalui survei di setiap akhir sesi, Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk menyatakan minat Anda melakukan Proof-of-Concept (POC) dari AWS, pelatihan yang disesuaikan untuk tim Anda, atau konsultasi 1:1 dengan para ahli kami.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) terpilih sebagai pemimpin pasar dalam platform aplikasi di dunia untuk smart cities menurut: IDC MarketScape: Worldwide IoT Applications Platforms for Smart Cities 2019–2020 Vendor Assessment (doc # US43580918, January 2020). Laporan tersebut menilai lanskap pasar pada platform aplikasi Internet of Things (IoT) untuk memungkinkan smart cities.

Pelajari bagaimana Anda dapat mendukung cakupan pelayanan kesehatan warga dan pasien Anda dengan aman, sekaligus berpotensi mengurangi beban penyedia layanan kesehatan.

Teknologi berbasis cloud seperti telemedicine memungkinkan konsultasi dan perawatan pasien di seluruh negeri, terutama di komunitas dan daerah terpencil yang sulit dijangkau.

Webinar ini akan diselenggarakan dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Link pendaftaran ada di sini:

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Peran Telemedicine Dalam Era Baru Pandemi Covid 19 Guna Mendukung Standar Profesi Perekam Medis Berdasarkan Kepmenkes 312 Tahun 2020

Hallo Sahabat Rekam Medis Semua

Kami dari Himpunan Mahasiswa Rekam Medis dan Informasi Kesehatan Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta Proudly Present : SEMNAS ONLINE DAN DONASI COVID-19
Dengan Tema " Peran Telemedicine Dalam Era Baru Pandemi Covid 19 Guna Mendukung Standar Profesi Perekam Medis Berdasarkan Kepmenkes 312 Tahun 2020 "🎉🎉

Narasumber :
📢 Surahyo Sumarsono, B.Eng., M.Eng.SC ( Konsultan Telemedicine )
“ Implementasi Telemedicine Dalam Mendukung Sistem Pencatatan Rekam Medis Era Pandemi Covid-19 ”
📢 Tedy Hidayat, A.Md PERKES, S.ST RMIK., MMRS ( Ketua DPP PORMIKI )
“ Standar Profesi Perekam Medis Berdasarkan Kepmenkes 312 Tahun 2020 ”
📢 Kori Puspita Ningsih, A.Md., S.K.M., M.KM ( SEKPRODI D-3 RMIK Unjani YK )
“ Revitalisasi Manajemen Resiko Pengelolaan Rekam Medis Era Covid-19 ”
Moderator :
🎤 Laili Rahmatul Ilmi, A.Md., S.K.M., M.P.H ( KAPRODI D-3 RMIK Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta )

📆 Minggu, 02 Agustus 2020
⌚ 12.30 WIB - Selesai
🎥 Live Via ZOOM Meeting, YouTube ( Himarmikaunjani yk ), Instagram ( @Himarmikayaniyk )

Fasilitas :
- E-Certificate 2 SKP PORMIKI
- Soft File Materi yang bermanfaat

Mahasiswa, Alumni, Umum : Rp 100.000 ( Sudah Termasuk Donasi Covid-19 )
Diskon 50% untuk Mahasiswa RMIK Seluruh Indonesia
Diskon 25% untuk Alumni UNJANI

Cara pendaftaran :
1. Transfer terlebih dahulu ke ( BRI ) 1751-01-000706-531 a/n HIMARMIKA UNJANI YOGYAKARTA
2. Foto bukti pembayaran
3. Mengisi Link pendaftaran

Ayoooo daftar sekarang jugaaa🥰🥰🥳

More Info hubungi CP :
- Yuni   ( Mahasiswa )        : 081236646033
- Lastri ( Alumni Unjani )    : 087854652715
- Cyntia ( Umum dan Profesi ) : 0823149